Who We Are

Brecht & Associates is a Managing General Agent (MGA) located in Texas.

We offer a wide range of commercial lines products to help you find solutions for your clients:

Brecht & Associates Values

    • Enabling our team to be Solution driven
    • Responsive - fast turn-around time
    • Exceptional Customer Service
    • Technology Focused
    • Family-owned & operated

We're knowledgeable about Insurance

An MGA serving Agents in Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas

Brecht & Associates is a managing general agency representing financially stable insurance companies specializing in insuring risks that have unique characteristics. Our goal is to assist retail insurance agents and brokers by providing access to a full range of available insurance products to meet the needs of their clients when unable to obtain coverage through their standard companies. Our unique knowledge of the insurance markets enables us to match risks with the appropriate insurer.

Being an experienced underwriting MGA that has nearly 100 combined years of experience from the Company, MGA/Wholesale Broker and Reinsurance segments of the business, why wait to get results? Contact us - we are just a phone call or e-mail away and ready to help you and your customer today!

Have some questions?

A managing general agent (MGA) is an individual or business entity appointed by an insurer(s) to solicit applications from agents for insurance contracts or to negotiate insurance contracts on behalf of an insurer and, if authorized to do so by an insurer, to effectuate and countersign insurance contracts. Brecht & Associates represents an assortment of insurance carriers and brings their products to independent insurance agents.
We are proud to serve Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas
Yes! You can make a secure, online payment any time by visiting: https://anytime.anddone.com/#/brechtassoc
Send us an email info@brechtassoc.com or give us a call at (800) 990-9553
Check out our FAQ's to see if we answer them there. If not, reach out to info@brechtassoc.com and someone will follow up with you in short order.